Departments - My Blog My WordPress Blog Mon, 03 Jun 2024 12:05:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 230796367 Notable activities of the Electronics and Communication Engineering department Sat, 25 May 2024 12:18:08 +0000 In 2010, K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology (KRCT) founded the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), which attained NBA accreditation in 2020, reaffirming its dedication to excellence. In 2023, the…

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In 2010, K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology (KRCT) founded the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), which attained NBA accreditation in 2020, reaffirming its dedication to excellence. In 2023, the Department successfully underwent re-accreditation, reaffirming its sustained dedication to quality education. Further, the department offers a wide range of courses and equipped with research laboratories. Also, the department provides students with a holistic learning experience, preparing them to excel in the dynamic field of electronics and communication.

Courses Offered

In fact, the department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at KRCT offers a range of courses providing students with comprehensive learning opportunities.

  • В.Е. (ECE)
  • M.E. (VLSI Design)
  • Ph.D. (ECE) – Full Time/Part

Research Laboratories Electronics and Communication Engineering

Achivements of the Electronics and Communication Engineering department

Above all, The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering boasts state-of-the-art research laboratories, developing an environment conducive to innovative research and practical learning experiences.

  • The Intel Intelligence Lab
  • National Instruments Lab, and
  • RF & Antenna Design Lab,

Electronics and Communication Engineering: 2023 Jan – March Quarterly Events Conducted


  • Firstly, Key deliverable audit conducted by CC coordinator of Allied courses Domain on 18.01.2023. Also, CDP, CAP and CAM were verified and approved by CC Coordinator.
  • At the same time, Key deliverable audit conducted by CC coordinator of Applied Electronics Domain on 18.01.2023.CDP, CAP and CAM were verified and approved by CC Coordinator.
  • Further, the key deliverable audit for II Year subjects was conducted by the Course Committee Coordinator.
  • For the Communication Domain, Dr. S. Suganthi, Professor of ECE, oversaw the audit for the subject “ETW.”
  • In the Applied Electronics Domain, Dr. M. Kavitha, Professor of ECE, led the audit for the subjects “Control Systems” and “Analog Circuits.”

Campus Activities

  • Alumni Interaction with final year placed students by Mr.Lakshman raj of (2012-2016) batch on 24.01.2023. The event was successfully organized and conducted by Ms.S.Geerthana AP/ECE /Alumni coordinator.
  • Students of ECE participated and exhibited their talents in 74th Republic Day parade on 26.01.2023 organized by KRGI.
  • Faculty members and students of the ECE department came together to plant saplings in observance of National Science Day.
  • A seminar and hands-on practice session on PCB design and fabrication were conducted for the II-year ECE A section students.

Insightful Talks at Electronics and Communication Engineering Department

  • Mr. S. Amarnath and Mr. S. Bharath from the III Year shared the insights they gained during the Ideation Camp of TNSI-2023, organized at University College of Engineering, BIT Campus.
  • On February 23, 2023, Mr. V. Ramkumar, Assistant Professor in the Department of ECE, delivered a value talk on Project Deliberation to the students of III/ECE.
  • An Invited Talk on “Career Opportunities in Multi-National Companies” was delivered by Mr. G. Dinesh, an Automation Test Engineer at Wipro Technologies, Chennai. Mr. Dinesh, an alumnus from the 2013-2017 batch, shared insights and experiences regarding career paths and opportunities in multinational companies.


Innovation in ECE department
  • Students from III/ECE and II/ECE visited Kerala Electrical and Allied Engineering Co.Ltd. on both March 4, 2023, and March 11, 2023. During these visits, students acquired valuable knowledge on general engineering concepts, including the intricacies of coil winding in transformers.
  • Also, on March 21, 2023, students of III ECE presented their idea pitch for Olimayam 2.0 KIT.
  • Furthermore, students of ECE showcased their innovation at the CSA conference.
  • In addition, students of ECE attended a Boot Camp at KIOT organized by Olimayam 2.0.


  • Additionally, The Department of ECE, Institution of Engineers, in collaboration with the NDLI club at KRCT, organized a seminar on “Structural Integrity Evaluation using Electrical Strain Gauge Sensor.” The event was presided over by Dr.N.Raju, Additional General Manager at Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (Public Sector).
  • Moreover, The Institute of Engineers Student Chapter, in collaboration with KRCT NDLI Club and the National Digital Library of India Club, organized a seminar on “Introduction to System C and Its Career Opportunities in the Semiconductor Industry” on March 31, 2023.

Faculty Success

  • Above all, Dr.V.Ramkumar, Assistant Professor in the Department of ECE, successfully defended his thesis and completed his Ph.D. viva voce examination.

To Conclude

Thus, the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at KRCT represents excellence. Further, through insightful talks, participation in seminars, workshops, and campus activities, as well as faculty successes, the department continues to inspire and empower students, preparing them to become future-ready engineers. Moreover, the department remains committed to nurturing talent, research, and contributing positively to societal and industrial advancements in the field of electronics and communication engineering.

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Top 5 Career Opportunities in Civil Engineering in India Thu, 16 May 2024 09:34:00 +0000 Civil engineering education equips students with a comprehensive skill set, enabling them to construct, design, and maintain a wide range of physical and natural structures. From towering buildings to sturdy…

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Civil engineering education equips students with a comprehensive skill set, enabling
them to construct, design, and maintain a wide range of physical and natural structures.
From towering buildings to sturdy bridges and essential water systems, civil engineers
are equipped to tackle diverse challenges in shaping the built environment. Their essential
role extends to ensuring the safety, efficiency, and sustainability of infrastructure, leaving
an indelible mark on the concrete world around us. Now, let’s look into the top career opportunities in civil engineering in India.

Top 5 Career Opportunities in Civil Engineering

What are the Career opportunities in civil Engineering In india

Civil engineering offers a multitude of job roles, each presenting unique responsibilities and salary packages. Professionals in this field have ample opportunities for career advancement, from becoming building engineers to establishing their own construction businesses.

1.Building Engineers

Building engineers play a critical role in ensuring the safety and functionality of various structures, including apartments, offices, and hospitals. Their responsibilities encompass conducting maintenance and repair work to uphold the integrity of buildings. Whether fixing plumbing issues or overseeing electrical systems, building engineers handle all physical aspects to ensure buildings are in top condition. Moreover, they extend their expertise to managing intricate systems and infrastructure that keep businesses operational.

2. Structural Engineers

Structural engineers serve as the architects of safety for buildings and other structures. Leveraging their knowledge of physics and materials, they design and ensure the stability of buildings, bridges, towers, and amusement park rides. Their primary task is to ensure structures can withstand various forces such as wind, earthquakes, and heavy loads. Collaborating closely with architects and construction teams, structural engineers create designs that meet aesthetic and safety requirements, utilizing computer software to simulate material performance under different conditions.

3. Senior Civil Engineer

Senior civil engineers are seasoned professionals who play leadership roles in overseeing and managing civil engineering projects. With years of expertise, they provide technical guidance, mentorship, and project management to ensure projects are completed on time and within budget. They are involved in various project stages, from initial planning and design to construction and maintenance. Collaborating with stakeholders, including architects and contractors, senior civil engineers develop project specifications, evaluate feasibility, and address technical challenges.

4. CAD Engineer

CAD engineers require a strong understanding of engineering principles and proficiency in CAD software tools such as AutoCAD, SolidWorks, or CATIA. They create detailed technical drawings and plans for various engineering projects, contributing to design and development processes. CAD engineers transform conceptual ideas into precise digital models and drawings, collaborating closely with engineers, architects, and designers to understand project requirements and translate them into accurate technical drawings encompassing mechanical components, architectural layouts, and electrical schematics.

5. Government Engineering Jobs

Government engineering roles provide stable career opportunities in civil engineering with the chance to contribute to public infrastructure and services. One prominent path is through prestigious exams such as the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) or Indian Engineering Services (IES), which recruit engineering graduates for various government departments. Additionally, State Public Work Departments (PWD) and other government agencies regularly hire civil engineering graduates for roles in infrastructure development and maintenance.

When it comes to preparing for a career in civil engineering, K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology (KRCT) stands out as the premier choice for aspiring engineers.

Why Choose KRCT?

KRCT offers a holistic education that goes beyond traditional classroom learning. KRCT provides students with a comprehensive learning experience that prepares them for the demands of the real world including:

  • Industry-Relevant Curriculum
  • Practical Learning Opportunities
  • Career Guidance and
  • Placement Support Research and Innovation

To Conclude

Career opportunities in civil engineering are abundant and diverse, offering a pathway to meaningful contributions in infrastructure development and maintenance. With the growing demand for skilled professionals in India’s expanding landscape, civil engineering graduates have the chance to make a significant impact while pursuing fulfilling roles.

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AI and Creativity its Intersection in Art, Music, and Literature Fri, 26 Apr 2024 04:47:53 +0000 AI and Creativity its Intersection in Art, music, and literature are all experiencing a big change thanks to AI. It’s blending with creativity, creating new ways of doing things. This…

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AI and Creativity its Intersection in Art, music, and literature are all experiencing a big change thanks to AI. It’s blending with creativity, creating new ways of doing things. This mix is bringing fresh ideas and pushing what we thought was not possible in art, music, and writing. In this blog post, we’ll look into Intersection of AI and Creativity. Further, let’s learn how AI algorithms are reshaping the creative process and pushing the boundaries of human expression.

Intersection of AI and Creativity

AI and Creativity in Art
AI and Creativity

1. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

Generative adversarial networks (GANs) have revolutionized AI-generated art. By setting two neural networks against each other, GANs produce original and visually stunning artworks. Moreover, artists like Mario Klingemann have leveraged GANs in their creative process. Also, they create captivating pieces that blur the lines between human and machine creativity.

2. DeepDream and Neural Style Transfer

DeepDream and neural style transfer are techniques that use neural networks to reinterpret images in surreal and imaginative ways. These methods allow artists to explore new visual aesthetics and challenge conventional notions of artistic expression.

3. AI Art Tools

DeepDream, DeepArt, DALL-E, RunwayML, Artbreeder, GANPaint Studio and DeepArt Effects are just a few examples of the many AI art tools and generators available today, each offering unique features and capabilities for artists and enthusiasts alike.

AI and Creativity in Music

AI and Creativity in Music

1. Neural Networks in Music Composition

Neural networks are being employed to compose music across various genres and styles. Also, platforms like Amper Music utilize deep learning algorithms to generate custom music tracks tailored to specific moods, genres, and preferences, empowering musicians to explore new sonic landscapes.

2. Collaborative Performance with AI

AI AI and Creativity its Intersection is increasingly being integrated into live music performance, enabling musicians to interact with intelligent systems that respond dynamically to their input. Furthermore, projects like Google’s Magenta aim to explore the potential of AI as a collaborator in improvisational music-making.

AI and Creativity in Literature
AI and Creativity in Literature

1. Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Storytelling

Generally, Natural language processing (NLP) algorithms analyse vast corpora of text to generate coherent narratives and dialogue. Nonetheless, interactive storytelling platforms such as Botnik Studios harness AI to co-create humorous and engaging stories in collaboration with human writers.

2. AI-Generated Poetry and Prose

Above all, AI algorithms can produce poetry and prose that mimic the style and tone of human-authored literature. Also, projects like OpenAI’s GPT models have demonstrated this capability, generating compelling narratives and evocative poetry. In doing so, they blur the distinction between human and machine writing.

Paradigm Shift

The integration of AI and Creativity its Intersection in Art represents a paradigm shift in artistic expression, consequently opening up new avenues for exploration and innovation. Also, as AI continues to evolve, its impact on the arts will be profound, inspiring collaboration, experimentation, and the discovery of new forms of beauty and meaning. Moreover, by embracing the symbiotic relationship between AI and Creativity its Intervence in Arts, we stand on the brink of a renaissance, where human ingenuity and machine intelligence converge to redefine the boundaries of artistic possibility.

To Sumup

Studying and becoming proficient in AI mechanics presents an array of opportunities for the future. Also, compared to other fields, mastering AI offers a wide range of prospects, paving the way for individuals to lead the charge in the evolving landscape of creativity and technology. Thus, Choosing K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology (KRCT) could be an excellent choice, especially if you’re interested in pursuing studies related to AI.

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Emerging Trends in AI and data science Sat, 30 Mar 2024 07:40:07 +0000 In this era of technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) stand as the pillar of innovation, driving changes across all industries and even society as a whole. As we look into the…

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In this era of technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) stand as the pillar of innovation, driving changes across all industries and even society as a whole. As we look into the future, it’s essential to notice the emerging trends in AI shaping the trajectory of our world. These trends are paving the way for new possibilities and advancements in all aspects of life.

After a decade, we might not even recognize our current lifestyles. The jump to an AI-relied world is just around the corner. So, let’s keep ourselves updated and learn about these emerging trends in AI. Further, let’s explore their implications and potential impact on our world.

Emerging Trends in AI

Ethical and Responsible AI

With great power comes great responsibility. – Voltaire

We are now in an era dominated by data-driven decision-making scenarios and where we come up with AI-oriented solutions. Here, the importance of ethical considerations and responsible use of data cannot be overstated. As AI technologies infuse various aspects of our lives, ensuring fairness, transparency, and accountability in algorithmic decision-making becomes paramount.

For instance, facial recognition technology has faced scrutiny for its potential biases and implications on privacy and civil liberties. Moreover, companies and researchers are now striving to develop more ethical and inclusive AI systems that mitigate bias and defend our fundamental rights.

Federated Learning and Edge AI

Decentralization is the future. – Unknown

The concept of Federated learning is a new approach to train machine learning models across multiple devices without sharing sensitive data. Instead of sending data to a central server for processing, this allows devices to collaborate locally to train a shared model. This ensures that data remains private and secure, as it never leaves the device where it was generated.

This is useful in areas like healthcare, finance, and IoT, where data privacy is crucial. For example, Google’s Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC) initiative helps protect user privacy in online ads by showing targeted ads without revealing personal information Thus, by leveraging federated learning techniques, organizations can now attain new opportunities to innovate while respecting user privacy.

Generative AI and Creative Applications

The Generative AI techniques, such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), are releasing a wave of creativity across various domains. Generative AI is expanding human creativity by producing realistic images, music pieces, and compelling stories beyond traditional limits.

Take, for example, OpenAI’s GPT-3 model, which has been widely recognised for its ability to generate clear and contextually relevant text across a wide range of topics. Further, it’s used for content generation and chatbots to virtualstorytelling experiences, showing the potential of generative AI to boost human creativity.

Explainable AI and Interpretable Machine Learning

Trust, but verify. – Ronald Reagan

As AI systems become increasingly complicated, it gets harder to understand how they make decisions.  That’s where Explainable AI (XAI) and interpretable machine learning techniques come in. They aim to make AI decisions easier to understand, so users can trust them more.

For instance, LIME (Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations) provides a clearcut framework and explain why AI models make specific predictions. Thus, LIME increase the transparency and trust of AI systems, facilitating their use in critical domains such as healthcare and finance.

AI for Healthcare and Biomedicine

AI holds immense potential to revolutionize healthcare and biomedicine. It helps with things like diagnosing diseases, guessing patient outcomes, finding new drugs, and making personalized medicine. AI uses vast amounts of data and sophisticated algorithms to do this. Hence, AI-powered solutions can augment healthcare delivery and improve patient outcomes.

For example, DeepMind’s AlphaFold algorithm has demonstrated remarkable success in predicting protein structures, advancing our understanding of molecular biology and drug discovery. Similarly, AI-driven medical imaging analysis tools enable more accurate diagnosis and treatment planning. This means clinicians can deliver personalized care to patients.

To Conclude

In summary, the emerging trends in AI are transforming our world. From ethics and privacy to creativity and healthcare, AI is driving positive changes. As we embrace these advancements, it’s crucial to prioritize ethical use and transparency. With responsible development, AI has the potential to enhance our lives and solve complex problems.

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Career Opportunities in AI and Data Science for B.Tech Graduates Fri, 29 Mar 2024 11:35:34 +0000 In today’s fast-developing world of technology; the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science (DS) have emerged as important elements. They are helping companies reach new heights. In fact,…

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In today’s fast-developing world of technology; the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science (DS) have emerged as important elements. They are helping companies reach new heights. In fact, B.Tech graduates have an advantage in this ever-growing field; as they are equipped with the right skills and knowledge at the right time. Moreover, with their qualifications, they get to enjoy choosing from various career paths. In this blog, let’s explore some of the exciting career opportunities in AI and DS for graduates to choose from.

Career Opportunities in AI and DS

Generally, graduates of B.Tech in AI and DS are presented with excess career opportunities across various industries. They can explore roles such as:

  • Data Scientist
  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • AI Engineer
  • Business Analyst
  • Data Analyst
  • Research Scientist
  • Data and Analytics Manager
  • And more…

Also, these roles involve tasks such as data analysis, predictive modelling, algorithm development, and AI system design. Thus, catering to the evolving needs of businesses and organizations in today’s data-driven world.

Top 5 career opportunities in AI and DS

Data Scientist

As a Data Scientist, you’re tasked with extracting insights from data using statistics and machine learning. Moreover, B.Tech graduates with strong skills in mathematics, statistics, and programming languages like Python or R are well-suited for this role. Additionally, career opportunities for Data Scientists are abundant across industries such as healthcare, finance, e-commerce, and technology.

Machine Learning Engineer

Machine Learning Engineers develop and apply machine learning algorithms to solve intricate business challenges. Moreover, B.Tech graduates proficient in algorithms, data structures, and programming languages like Python are sought-after for this role. Additionally, career prospects encompass opportunities in research institutions, tech startups, and established enterprises. They aim to utilize AI for innovation and expansion.

AI Research Scientist

AI Research Scientists specialize in pushing the boundaries of AI; Through the exploration and creation of innovative algorithms, techniques, and methodologies. Furthermore, B.Tech graduates with a keen interest in AI, robust analytical abilities, and a background in computer science, mathematics, or related disciplines. These graduates ideally suit this intellectually stimulating position. Additionally, opportunities abound in academia, corporate research labs, and top-tier tech firms at the forefront of AI advancements.

Data Engineer

Data Engineers are responsible for designing, building, and maintaining robust data pipelines and infrastructure to enable efficient data processing and analysis. Additionally, employers highly seek B.Tech graduates with expertise in database management, distributed computing, and programming languages like SQL, Java, or Scala for Data Engineering roles. Furthermore, career avenues include positions in cloud computing companies, big data analytics firms, and organizations dealing with large-scale data processing requirements.

Business Intelligence Analyst

Business Intelligence Analysts leverage data analytics tools and techniques to interpret and visualize data, providing actionable insights to support strategic decision-making. Moreover, B.Tech graduates with strong analytical skills, business acumen, and proficiency in data visualization tools like Tableau or Power BI can excel in this role. Additionally, career opportunities exist in consulting firms, financial institutions, marketing agencies, and other organizations seeking to leverage data-driven insights for competitive advantage.

KRCT: Best College of Technology to pursue AI & DS

Choosing the right college for pursuing a B.Tech program in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science is crucial for the best career opportunities in AI and DS. When considering top-notch institutions in India, K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology (KRCT) emerges as a standout choice for aspiring professionals in this field.

Also, renowned for its academic excellence and industry-oriented curriculum, KRCT offers a comprehensive B.Tech program in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science that equips students with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the evolving tech landscape.

To Conclude

This field offers exciting career opportunities in AI and DS for B.Tech graduates, ranging from Data Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer, AI Research Scientist and beyond. By acquiring relevant skills, staying updated with the latest developments, and sharpening your problem-solving abilities, you can chart a successful career path in this growing field. Finally, by choosing KRCT, students can secure a holistic and impactful learning experience at the forefront of AI and DS.

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Recap of AI Department’s Seminars and Workshops at KRCT Thu, 07 Mar 2024 06:59:43 +0000 In the landscape of continuously evolving technology, the Department of Artificial Intelligence at K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology (KRCT) continues to pave the way for knowledge distribution and skill enhancement. Last…

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In the landscape of continuously evolving technology, the Department of Artificial Intelligence at K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology (KRCT) continues to pave the way for knowledge distribution and skill enhancement. Last year, a series of impactful seminars and workshops took place, leaving a permanent mark on the intellectual journey of our students.

Further, in this blog, let’s have a recap of seminars and workshops that took place and let’s remember the wealth of insights they’ve brought to the forefront.

AI Department’s Seminars and Workshops

Insights into the IoT Workshop Journey

seminars and workshops

Section 1: October Workshop

The Department of Artificial Intelligence, in collaboration with the Industry Institute Collaboration Cell (IIC); arranged a transformative two-day workshop on “Internet of Things” on October 3rd and 4th, 2023.

In addition, the distinguished speaker for the event was Dr.B.Ezhilavan, the Managing Director of VEI Technologies Pvt.Ltd, Chennai. Also, it is renowned for his invaluable insights and expertise in the IoT domain.

seminars and workshops

Key Takeaways

  • Dr.Ezhilavan’s sessions during the October IoT workshop offered a comprehensive study of IoT, significantly deepening the understanding of the subject for over 100 attendees from our college.
  • Notably, the workshop also saw active participation, with attendees demonstrating enthusiasm and engagement, creating a collaborative learning environment.
  • Further, Mrs.S.Prabasri and Mr.T.Praveen Kumar, Assistant Professors in Artificial Intelligence, played an important role, taking the lead to ensure the success of this educational experience.

Section 2: November Workshop

seminars and workshops

Similarly, building on the success of the October workshop, the department conducted another two-day “Internet of Things” workshop on November 8th and 9th, 2023. Once again, Dr.B.Ezhilavan, Managing Director of VEI Technologies Pvt.Ltd, Chennai, graced the event, sharing his profound knowledge and extensive experience.

Key Takeaways

  • Over 100 participants actively engaged, deepening their understanding and enhancing expertise in the field of IoT during the November workshop.
  • Mrs. S. Prabasri and Mr. T. Praveen Kumar demonstrated adept organizational skills, creating a valuable platform for practical insights, skill development, and knowledge exchange.
  • The November workshop reaffirmed the commitment of the AI department at K. Ramakrishnan College of Technology to providing hands-on experiences in the domain of IoT, contributing to continued success and growth.

These dual workshops stand as a testament to the department’s dedication to knowledge exchange, skill development, and staying at the forefront of technological evolution.

Seminar on the Journey to the world of Artificial Intelligence

seminars and workshops

The Department of Artificial Intelligence collaborated with the Industry Institute Collaboration Cell (IIC) and Computer Society of India (CSI) for an enlightening seminar.

Key points

seminars and workshops
  • The seminar titled “Journey to the World of Artificial Intelligence” took place on November 9, 2023.
  • Further, the seminar featured Mr. Cheten Sharma, Program Manager at UpGRAD Campus, who shared his extensive knowledge and experience in the field of Artificial Intelligence.
  • Also, the event witnessed active engagement from 124 attendees, including both students and faculty members from our college. Furthermore, participants engaged enthusiastically, contributing to a continuous exchange of ideas during the seminar.
  • Notably, Mrs. R. Hema and Mrs. E. Sri Santhoshini, Assistant Professors in Artificial Intelligence, expertly organized and contributed to the overall success of the seminar.

Consequetively, the seminar proved to be a valuable platform for participants to enhance their understanding of the dynamic realm of Artificial Intelligence.

To conclude

Hence, these Seminars and Workshops organised by the Artificial Intelligence department at KRCT the best engineering college in Trichy showcased the department’s commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements; and, also committed to providing students with practical insights and knowledge exchange opportunities on a wide scale. Furthermore, stay tuned for more updates and achievements from the Department of AI at KRCT as we continue to travel towards the future together!

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Innovations and Best Achievements of CSE Department at KRCT Wed, 06 Mar 2024 15:11:46 +0000 Continuing our exploration of the CSE Department at KRCT, in this blog let us look into the department’s achievements, innovations, and best practices that contribute to a forward-thinking educational atmosphere.…

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Continuing our exploration of the CSE Department at KRCT, in this blog let us look into the department’s achievements, innovations, and best practices that contribute to a forward-thinking educational atmosphere.

Notable Achievements of CSE Department at KRCT

Journal Publications

Generally, the department’s faculty members have made substantial contributions to the academics with a range of journal publications. Further, covering a wide spectrum of research topics, from privacy-preserving blockchain to machine learning applications in various domains.

Moreover, in the years 2022 and 2023 combined, a total of fifteen impactful papers have been published. These publications span reputable journals such as Computers, Materials and Continua, Hindawi, Elsevier, and Scopus.

Recruiters at CSE Department at KRCT

In fact, CSE Department at KRCT has a strong track record of successful placements, collaborating with renowned industry leaders. Also, our major recruiters include

  • Tata Consultancy Services
  • Tech Mahindra
  • Mu Sigma
  • Cognizant
  • Mphasis
  • Zoho
  • Tata Consultancy Services
  • Tech Mahindra
  • Mu Sigma
  • Cognizant
  • Mphasis

Successful Events Organised

Also, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology organized “FESTRONIX 2K23,” a state-level technical symposium.

In addition, the successful event saw participation from 113 students representing various colleges across Tamil Nadu, featuring four technical and three non-technical events, providing students with opportunities for simultaneous skill development.

Book Publication

Our department’s senior faculty, Dr. C. Shyamala, has collaborated with experts including Dr. M. Sornalakshmi, Dr. S. Mohana, and Nithya V to publish a comprehensive book titled “Data Warehousing and Data Mining.”

Additionally, the book discusses the intricacies of data warehousing and data mining, offering a wealth of knowledge to readers.Further, this publication is a testament to our department’s commitment to advancing scholarly research and sharing expertise with the academic community.

Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs)

In short, the Department takes pride in its remarkable achievements in Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). In addition, under the guidance of dedicated faculty members, students have developed a diverse range of innovative projects, resulting in patents and copyrights. Subsequently, from IoT-based rehabilitation devices to AI-powered authentication for smart home security, each project showcases the students’ ingenuity and the faculty’s guidance.

In fact, in the years 2022-2023 alone, a total of 23 IPRs have been achieved by the combined efforts of students and faculty.

NPTEL Achievements of CSE Department at KRCT

  • Firstly, in the January-April 2023 course run at CSE department at KRCT recorded significant accomplishments.
  • Secondly, standout performers in the Elite + Silver category included Ms. Sharu Ruba (Batch 2023-2027), Ms. G. Vaishnavi (Batch 2021-2025), and Ms. Varshita (Batch 2023-2027), showcasing exceptional skills in their respective courses.
  • Faculty Contribution

Ms. M. Pavitra, an Assistant Professor in CSE specializing in Software Testing, made a noteworthy contribution to the success, attaining the Elite + Silver certification and securing an impressive 5% position among the top performers.

Other Stunning Achievements

CSE department at KRCT celebrates four remarkable achievements.

  • The first involves III CSE students developing a Question Paper Generator, streamlining exam paper creation.
  • Django-based Digital Notice Board, simplifying event posting and management.
  • Moderator software, efficiently adjusting student marks for a target pass percentage.
  • Event Proposal Website transforms event management, offering a user-friendly platform for faculty submissions and automated administration for streamlined processes.

Further, we encourage participation in hackathons, organize industrial visits, and enable in-plant training programs, enhancing the overall learning experience of our students.

To Conclude

Choose KRCT for studying CSE to benefit from a dynamic environment and hands-on learning experience, faculty-led impactful research, strong industry connections for placements, successful event organization, and a commitment to innovation and practical skills. Moreover, the faculty’s impactful research and commitment to innovation make it a solid choice for a well-rounded education.

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The World of Computer Science and Engineering at KRCT Tue, 05 Mar 2024 16:33:28 +0000 Established in 2010, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering is committed to students’ success. We are equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories and research facilities featuring licensed software and dedicated faculty.…

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Established in 2010, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering is committed to students’ success. We are equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories and research facilities featuring licensed software and dedicated faculty.

Programmes Offered

The department offers the following programs to accommodate various academic pursuits.

  • B.E. in Computer Science & Engineering CSE (4 Years)
  • M.E. in Computer Science & Engineering CSE (2 Years)
  • Ph.D. in Information and Communication Engineering (CSE) – Part-Time/Full Time

Vision and Mission of Computer Science and Engineering

The department aims to excel by cultivating skilled software professionals with research and innovation skills. Indeed, our mission encompasses industry-specific training, preparing students for research, and empowering them to address complex technological challenges in society.

Program Outcomes

Engineering graduates from the program will possess a strong skill set.

  • Firstly, apply strong mathematical, scientific, and engineering knowledge to solve complex problems.
  • Subsequently, analyse intricate engineering issues using research literature and foundational principles.
  • Also, Proficiently designed solutions, considering public health, safety, and societal/environmental factors.
  • Additionally, demonstrate expertise in research using modern tools with a clear understanding of ethical responsibilities.
  • Moreover, possess effective communication, teamwork, and project management skills.
  • Lastly, recognize the significance of lifelong learning in the evolving technological landscape.

Facilities at Computer Science and Engineering

Generally, Common Computing Lab is a collaborative space for students to enhance their computational skills. and, our research lab serves as a focal point for academic inquiry and discovery.

Further, named in honour of prominent figures in the tech world, our specialized labs pay tribute to visionaries.

  • Linus Torvalds
  • Tim Berners-Lee
  • Dennis Ritchie
  • Alan Turing
  • Charles Babbage
  • Kevin Ashton Lab

Furthermore, the NI Lab, Intel Lab, and E-Yantra Lab offer dedicated spaces for specific areas of study, catering to diverse interests and technological pursuits.

Best and innovative Practices

Our program integrates

  • ICT Lab
  • Peer learning
  • AICTE Parakh Assessment for quality standards.
  • NPTEL courses integrated into every semester.
  • Presentation Day to enhance communication skills.
  • Regular Newspaper Reading for analytical thinking.
  • Recap sessions for concept reinforcement.
  • Further, Flipped Classes for engagement through pre-class study materials.
  • Additionally, Design Thinking integration for nurturing creativity and problem-solving.
  • Exploring “Concept of the Day” daily.
  • Group discussions & Collaborative Learning emphasizing shared knowledge.
  • Moreover, Mentoring system providing personalized guidance.
  • Finally, Alumni interactions

To conclude

In conclusion, the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology (KRCT) has been a thriving centre of academic excellence since its establishment. Further, let’s also learn about the achievements and innovative practices followed at CSE department in the upcoming blogs.

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Building Tomorrow’s world thorough Civil Engineering Department at KRCT Thu, 15 Feb 2024 08:07:09 +0000 About the Department Founded in 2010 under the affiliation of Anna University, the Civil Engineering Department at K. Ramakrishnan College of Technology (KRCT) has been a cornerstone of academic excellence.…

The post Building Tomorrow’s world thorough Civil Engineering Department at KRCT first appeared on My Blog.

About the Department

Founded in 2010 under the affiliation of Anna University, the Civil Engineering Department at K. Ramakrishnan College of Technology (KRCT) has been a cornerstone of academic excellence. Presently, it offers a 4-year B.E. program, providing students with comprehensive learning experiences. Further, led by a committed and qualified faculty team, the department focuses on guiding students to achieve international recognition; in the fields of engineering, research, and practical knowledge application for the betterment of society.

Civil Engineering Department

Mission and Vision

The Civil Engineering Department at K. Ramakrishnan College of Technology aims to develop high-calibre engineers with strong technical skills and ethical values, dedicated to serving society and the nation. Moreover, our mission involves promoting an innovation centre in education, updating the curriculum to meet industry requirements, and developing advanced practical skills among students.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

The Civil Engineering Department at K. Ramakrishnan College of Technology aims to achieve three key Program Educational Objectives (PEOs).

  • Firstly, PEO1 focuses on equipping graduates with technical skills to meet the demands of Indian and multinational corporations.
  • Secondly, PEO2 aims to enhance problem-solving abilities using modern technologies, skills, and software tools.
  • Lastly, PEO3 ensures graduates possess a strong foundation in Civil Engineering, with a specific focus on infrastructure, environment, and transportation.

Thus, these objectives collectively guide the educational process, preparing graduates for successful and impactful careers in the field.

Programme Outcomes (POs)

Further, upon program completion, Civil Engineering department graduates will showcase a range of competencies.

They include solid engineering knowledge, problem analysis and solving skills, and the ability to design solutions with considerations for public health and the environment. Graduates will demonstrate proficiency in conducting investigations, using modern engineering tools, and applying ethical principles.

Also, they will effectively communicate engineering concepts, collaborate in diverse teams, manage projects with financial acumen, and embrace lifelong learning for continuous adaptation in the ever-evolving technological landscape.

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

The Civil Engineering program at K. Ramakrishnan College of Technology is designed to instil specific outcomes in graduates.

  • Graduates of our Civil Engineering program excel in solving complex problems spanning structural engineering, construction management, hydraulics, geotechnics, transportation, and environmental engineering
  • Furthermore, they demonstrate proficiency in designing and implementing cutting-edge practices for civil engineering structures, following applicable codes, materials, techniques, and software.


The department is equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories and advanced R&D facilities.

These include specialized facilities such as the Concrete and Highway Engineering Laboratory, Environmental Engineering Laboratory, Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory, Soil Mechanics Laboratory, Strength of Materials Laboratory, Surveying Laboratory, and the computer-Aided Design and Drafting Laboratory.

Additionally, our infrastructure features industry-supported laboratories, Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Laboratory, Research Lab, UV Spectrometer, and Model Design Laboratory.

Furthermore, these well-equipped spaces provide hands-on opportunities for practical learning, experimentation, and research, ensuring our students are well-prepared for the challenges of the engineering field.

Memorandums of Understanding (MoU)

The Department of Civil Engineering at K. Ramakrishnan College of Technology (KRCT) has numerous Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with industry partners to enrich the educational experience for students.

Moreover, these collaborations aim to provide practical exposure and real-world insights. Some key partners include ISS CAD&D Research Centre, ARN Concrete, Ladder Survey Institute of Technology, J.F.CON, Centre for Bioscience and Nanoscience Research, Omega Constructions, Techny Chemy (New Era Construction Chemicals), Ramco Cement Ltd, Dalmia Cement Ltd, Sri Surya Builders, EXULT (Building the Future Restoring the Past), the National Highways Authority of India and Aplus NDT.

These MoUs encompass various objectives such as software training, industrial visits, in-plant training, workshops, guest lectures, internships, and placement opportunities, ensuring a well-rounded and industry-relevant education for our civil engineering students.

Patent Publications

The Department of Civil Engineering at K. Ramakrishnan College of Technology (KRCT) takes pride in its inventive spirit, as reflected in various patent publications by its faculty and students.

The patented innovations range from novel construction materials and methods, such as paver blocks, water harvesting beds, roof sheets made of organic materials, and non-autoclaved ferrous impregnated aerated concrete blocks, to structural advancements like polymer-insulated reinforced wall structures, root-based foundation structures for mechanical structures, and ground water recharging paver blocks.

These inventions underscore the department’s focus on sustainable and innovative solutions within the field of civil engineering.

Achievements and Best Practices

  • Utilization of YouTube for educational content sharing.
  • Alumni testimonials providing insights into career journeys.
  • E-learning with instructional videos on various subjects.
  • Achievements such as the Largest Fibonacci Spiral.
  • Yoga classes promoting complete well-being.
  • YouTube Videos on Municipal Solid Waste Management, Green Building, and more.
  • Comprehensive notes on various civil engineering topics.
  • Participation in Guinness World Records showcasing commitment to excellence.
  • Pedagogy Initiative for enhanced teaching methods.
  • Efficient access to relevant resources for easy information retrieval.

Value Added Course

The Value-Added Courses at our institution serve as crucial supplements to the regular academic curriculum, providing students with practical skills and knowledge that enhance their overall learning experience.

These courses, conducted by experienced and expert resource persons, cover a spectrum of topics aimed at fostering proficiency in various domains. For instance, sessions on MS-Office & Google Drive, Structural Designing using STAAD PRO V8i, Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint, 3D Modelling Software, and more, are designed to equip students with hands-on expertise in essential tools and technologies.

These courses, spanning different academic years and semesters, contribute to the development of our students, preparing them for the demands of the professional landscape.

To Conclude

Thus, K. Ramakrishnan College of Technology’s Civil Engineering Department emerges as the best choice for aspiring students. Thus, choosing KRCT is not just selecting a college; it’s opting for an experience that sets the foundation for a rewarding journey in the field of Civil Engineering.

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